Sunday 22 May 2011

King Kong entry 7. (listening portfolio)

Source: King Kong

Strategies: a) take note
b) Try to get main idea
c) Try to predict what’s coming
d) Use pause  
e) Use dictionary

Evaluation: a) The file was based on love story. The movie was quite interesting & like scurry because there were lots of animals. I chose this movie because when I was in Pakistan I heard a lot about this movie but I didn’t get chance to watch. I tried to get main idea of this file which was a love story. There were a lot of new words for me & while I was watching I used paused and write it down some new words which I didn’t know. Such as “Ruin” that mean…to spoil or destroy something completely.
b) ”Preening”…if a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans itself and makes its feathers smoothers using.”Prelude”…if an event is a prelude to a more important event it happens just before it and makes people expect it.”Deserted”…empty or organization as EFFICIENT as possible by making sure that money, space or people are fully used.”Abominable”…extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality = terrible.”Ape”…an animal that is similar to a monkey but has no tail or only a very short tail.”Goddamn”…spoken a word used to show that you are angry or annoyed, considered offensive by some Christians.”Lunatic”…someone who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way often used humorously.”Monstrous”…very wrong, immoral or unfair.”Aberration”…an action or event that is different from what usually happens or what someone usually does.
c) That’s new words for me I might hard before but I didn’t notes. In the movie people spoke quite good because I understood them what they were saying but not a lot of speaking…this file also very emotional at the end of the movie when ape die.

Reflection: a) I watch this movie to get the main idea & also I took some words while I was watching. I used dictionary to find out the meanings but before I try to guess what does that word mean.
b)  In this movie they don’t spoke a lot new I try to choose another movie… I listened some word two or three time which I didn’t get first time…. I watched with subtitle which helped me to understand & good to take notes because sometime they spoke very fast you didn’t get them or sometime spelling very difficult to write subtitle good for students….        

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