Sunday 1 May 2011

connected Speech Australian entry6.(listeing protfolio)

Source: connected Speech Auctalian level 2

Strategies: a) choose a right level
b) pose after each sentence
c) predict the main idea
d) use dictionay

Strategies:a) first i listed to get the main idea than I try to understand the article and some of new vocab....I used pose after each sentence which was helped my to understand aswell....I listed two time but i couldn't get  some of the sentences than i listed with article....
  b) There was some vocab which I could get after listeing I checked in the dictionery....such as...."Rugged" that mean land that is rugged is rough and uneven..."Cobin" mean a small house, especially one built of wood in an area of forest or mountains..."Wildlife"  mean animals and plants agrowing in natural conditions..."Aboriginal" mean relating to the Australian oborigines...."Continent" a larg mass of land surrounded by sea..."Reptile" atype of animal, such as a snake or LIZARD, whose body temperature change according to the temperetuer around it...
c) this words new for me i heard first time ...first i did'nt get them but after checkng form the dictionary i understood them.....that listening help me to improve my vocab...i did excises aswell which were really good

Reflection: a) choose the right level which you can understand and ithink pose is imprant to understand each sentence and the main idea ...using dictionary also improtant ....first try to guess by urself what the meaning of the word if you couldn't get than use the dictionary....using article alsohelp you to understand....

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