Sunday 22 May 2011

King Kong entry 7. (listening portfolio)

Source: King Kong

Strategies: a) take note
b) Try to get main idea
c) Try to predict what’s coming
d) Use pause  
e) Use dictionary

Evaluation: a) The file was based on love story. The movie was quite interesting & like scurry because there were lots of animals. I chose this movie because when I was in Pakistan I heard a lot about this movie but I didn’t get chance to watch. I tried to get main idea of this file which was a love story. There were a lot of new words for me & while I was watching I used paused and write it down some new words which I didn’t know. Such as “Ruin” that mean…to spoil or destroy something completely.
b) ”Preening”…if a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans itself and makes its feathers smoothers using.”Prelude”…if an event is a prelude to a more important event it happens just before it and makes people expect it.”Deserted”…empty or organization as EFFICIENT as possible by making sure that money, space or people are fully used.”Abominable”…extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality = terrible.”Ape”…an animal that is similar to a monkey but has no tail or only a very short tail.”Goddamn”…spoken a word used to show that you are angry or annoyed, considered offensive by some Christians.”Lunatic”…someone who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way often used humorously.”Monstrous”…very wrong, immoral or unfair.”Aberration”…an action or event that is different from what usually happens or what someone usually does.
c) That’s new words for me I might hard before but I didn’t notes. In the movie people spoke quite good because I understood them what they were saying but not a lot of speaking…this file also very emotional at the end of the movie when ape die.

Reflection: a) I watch this movie to get the main idea & also I took some words while I was watching. I used dictionary to find out the meanings but before I try to guess what does that word mean.
b)  In this movie they don’t spoke a lot new I try to choose another movie… I listened some word two or three time which I didn’t get first time…. I watched with subtitle which helped me to understand & good to take notes because sometime they spoke very fast you didn’t get them or sometime spelling very difficult to write subtitle good for students….        

Saturday 7 May 2011

Writing blog about Murree for (TBS2) entry 1.

            Murree is a hill station on the border between Punjab and Azad Kashmir in Pakistan.
"Everything and anything can happen in Murree. Romance is in the atmosphere; intrigue is the air. The roads to this happy holiday’s resort embrace both the heaven and earth. In Murree it is easy to fall in love”
 For the international visitor heading further north to the Galis may prove more rewarding. In summer it is cool even chilly in the evening, While light rain is common. In winter Murree hides herself under thick blanket of snow, however view tourists visit at this time and most hotels and attractions will be closed.

Get in:
          There are two routes to Murree from the capital, Islamabad. It takes one hour to reach Murree from Islamabad via the old Islamabad-Murree Road, it takes 45 minutes to reach Murree from Islamabad via the 4-lane Islamabad Murree Expressway. Except for the Ialamabad Murree Highway all other roads are single / two lane roads and the driver should be conversant with mountain driving skills. If you are to hair a taxi from Islamabad to Murree you need to pay just Rs.400 and the taxi will drop you from Faizabad to Murree and if you want it double way you may even get it in Rs.700 for Islamabad-Murree round trip. If you are to go by bus you have to pay just Rs.40 as one way fare.

Ø Kashmir Point
Ø Pindi Point a chairlift runs up to here
Ø The Mall- the main strip with shops, hotels and restaurants.
Ø Lawrence College & Church
Ø May locals believe that Mary, mother of jesus, is buried in Murree and that the town is named after her (formerly Mari). Her supposed tomb sits on a hill underneath a television tower. Locals can point you in the right direction. You may need special permission to visit.

       The main attractions of Murree are its natural scenery and refreshing atmosphere. It is an ideal for a family get away and vacation. It offers many sport for picnic, mountain hiking and trekking. The best of these treks is from Dunga Gali to Murree on the water pipeline. The Golf Course at Bhurban is unique because of its altitude and tough layout. The area around Patriata has been developed and provides excellent hiking and trekking paths. Is also has a scenic two stage cable car that would take the tourists up to top.
         Murree has a variety of handicraft shops selling curios for the tourist to remind them of their visit to this hill station. Traditional clothing items, head wear, carved walking sticks, jewellery items and leather goods are abundantly available. Also visit Millenium Mall which is a complete shopping mall with every kind of multinational brands. All over the world, some of famous names are KFC, Pizza Hut, Indulge coffee shop and so on. The 1st floor is only for joy land amusement park for children.

         There are many restaurants in Murree, mostly along The Mall. One very popular restaurant is called Al-mai-dah.
‘Fuschia Reastaurant’ near kashmir Point just before the Governors House is a newly opened restaurant. It offers a mix of English, Pakistani, Italian, etc. The Restaurant also has thrilling games for children such as a Jumping Castle, Trampoline, battery powered cars and an Arcade.

Sunday 1 May 2011

connected Speech Australian entry6.(listeing protfolio)

Source: connected Speech Auctalian level 2

Strategies: a) choose a right level
b) pose after each sentence
c) predict the main idea
d) use dictionay

Strategies:a) first i listed to get the main idea than I try to understand the article and some of new vocab....I used pose after each sentence which was helped my to understand aswell....I listed two time but i couldn't get  some of the sentences than i listed with article....
  b) There was some vocab which I could get after listeing I checked in the dictionery....such as...."Rugged" that mean land that is rugged is rough and uneven..."Cobin" mean a small house, especially one built of wood in an area of forest or mountains..."Wildlife"  mean animals and plants agrowing in natural conditions..."Aboriginal" mean relating to the Australian oborigines...."Continent" a larg mass of land surrounded by sea..."Reptile" atype of animal, such as a snake or LIZARD, whose body temperature change according to the temperetuer around it...
c) this words new for me i heard first time ...first i did'nt get them but after checkng form the dictionary i understood them.....that listening help me to improve my vocab...i did excises aswell which were really good

Reflection: a) choose the right level which you can understand and ithink pose is imprant to understand each sentence and the main idea ...using dictionary also improtant ....first try to guess by urself what the meaning of the word if you couldn't get than use the dictionary....using article alsohelp you to understand....

Ease listening to lectures entry 5. (listeing protfolio)

 Source: Ease Listening to Lectures

Strategies: a) listening for mean idea
b) try to predict the mean idea
c) use the online dictionary
d) pose after each sentence

Evaluation:  a) I couldn't get the first lecture because the lecturer spoek a bit fast that's why. I could get the other lectures which was assey to understand what they were saying but still i couldn't get the first one . I listen many time there was on article...I really try to ged the idea but I couldn't get.......

b) There was a lot of new vocab which I din't heard before and its really useful for me...likes
"bibliography"...that mean a list of all the books and articles uesd in preparing a pice of writing..."Initially"...meaning at the beginning..."Imperative"...meaning extremely important abd needing to be done or dealt with immediately...."Economist"..meaning someone who studies the way in which money and goods are produced and used the systems of business and trade..."Concerned"...meaning involved in something or affected by it..."Gross"...meaning a gross sum of money is the total amount before any tax or costs have been taken away..."Nomination"... meaning the act of afficially suggesting someone or something for a position,duty or prize os the fact of being suggested for it....."Turner"...meaing someone who usesa LATHE(special tool) to make shapes out of wood or metal
c) That are the word I also never heard before they are all new for me...and I'll try to use in my conversation....

Reflection: a)getting the idea is the good strategy and perdicting the main idea aswell....liste carefully to get the idea which help you to understand the article...when I was listeing the lectures i pose after sentence to understan...I didn't get some of the vocab then I checked from online ditionary....but there was no article for first lecture and that one too fast for me i still struggling to understand the lecture....

Wednesday 13 April 2011

what i'm thinging about my writing blog for (TBS2)

Hi evrey one,
i'm thinking about historical event & travel guide.
Look at this link in google maps .

For the travel guide I think i'm going to write about Murree, Pakistan because it's very beautifull and stunning place to spend your hoildays in such a peaceful and nice place.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Issue in English 2 (listeing protfolio) entry 4

Source: The Environment the issue level 4

Strategies: a) listen for main idea
b) try to predict
c) pose  after each sentence
d) use the dictionary

Evaluation: a) I could get the most of them but some of them really difficult....the speaker was jhon and he said '' Australian paper'' walls are lines" cardborad produced" more densely populated" I did get because he join the word so i did get really....and he also speaking very fast may be that why....

b) there also a lot of vocab which i could not get
such as " lindfills" meaning" the practice of buying waste under the groung, or the waste buried in this way"... "Forefront" meaning " to bein a leading position in an important activity that is trying to achieve s/t or develop new ideas"..." Consume" to be use time, energy.goods etc"...."Dense" made of or containting a lot of things or people that are very close together"..... that words i think i did heard before ....i used the online dictionary then i get the meaning....

Reflection: a) getting the main idea is good but need to be listening for something specific level...some time its really hard to get choose the right level...i think i have to find out another level which is right for me....i found i bit hard that one

Thursday 31 March 2011

Rihanna song what's my name( listening protfolio) entry 3

Source: online youtube

Strategies: a) lisenting cearfuly
b) take some note like vocab
c) try to listen get maen idea
d) listen for 3 or 5 time if you don't understand
e) poos between while liseting
f) if you don't understand s/t first ask yourself thn ask your patner or use dictionary

Evaluation: a) first i couldn't undersand what she's saying because she is saying to fast tht's why.....i listened 5 time thn i get most of them. while i was listening that song i try to say with her it's quite diffecult but i tryed...which help me to understand. some of them very diffecult so i listened with subtitle which help you. if you couldn't get some word then check in the dictionary...

Raflection: listening carefuly is really good because you don't have to list 4 or 5 time..before you check s/t in the dictionary first try to guess or ask to your patner then look from the dictinary..list for the main idea. some time some vocab or idioms very diffecult to understand...
like when i was listeting she say to fast & i tryed to say with her i did some of them but not all of them....some idioms or vocab i couldn't get so i asked to my sister then i check from the dictionary....!!!