Thursday 31 March 2011

Rihanna song what's my name( listening protfolio) entry 3

Source: online youtube

Strategies: a) lisenting cearfuly
b) take some note like vocab
c) try to listen get maen idea
d) listen for 3 or 5 time if you don't understand
e) poos between while liseting
f) if you don't understand s/t first ask yourself thn ask your patner or use dictionary

Evaluation: a) first i couldn't undersand what she's saying because she is saying to fast tht's why.....i listened 5 time thn i get most of them. while i was listening that song i try to say with her it's quite diffecult but i tryed...which help me to understand. some of them very diffecult so i listened with subtitle which help you. if you couldn't get some word then check in the dictionary...

Raflection: listening carefuly is really good because you don't have to list 4 or 5 time..before you check s/t in the dictionary first try to guess or ask to your patner then look from the dictinary..list for the main idea. some time some vocab or idioms very diffecult to understand...
like when i was listeting she say to fast & i tryed to say with her i did some of them but not all of them....some idioms or vocab i couldn't get so i asked to my sister then i check from the dictionary....!!!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

shortland street entry 2. (listeing protfolio)

source: T V 2 monday to friday time 7 pm

strategies: a) try to predict what is coming next
b) try to gusse the meaning of the word it dont understand
c) if it's possibel try to take note

evaluation: a) i could get the most of them but some of them quit hard to understand so i take some notes. first i tryed to gusse what the meaning of them and then i check from the internet online dictionary. i think it becuse i didn;t understand the vocab.

Reflection: a) predicting i think good idea becuse you can easliy understand the topic...if you don't understand then you should listen some other progarams. might help you to understand what they are talking about.....sometime note taking to hard to take while you are listeing but that's really useful for you.....

Tuesday 22 March 2011

1B Lecture entry 1

Sourse: the lecture about the girls are beating the boys

Strategies: a) listen for the main ideas
b) stop after each sentence
c) use the online dictionary
d) try to predict wht is coming next

Evaluation: a) the first time i couldn't undearstand the second part ...than i tryed two or three thime afther that i understand what he's was becouse i didnt get the word probably

Reflection: a) i think pusing after each sentence good strategy to get main idea, but have to be listen very cearfuly to undearstant  and predicting also haple you.i think than you can understand easliy....

About Me

Hi everyone,
My name is saman and i,m from Pakistan. I have been in NZ for about four years and i doing diploma in English. I have been studying at Unitec since Aug 2008.